sketches from Scripture illuminate Scripture through everyday storytelling, written by author and filmmaker paul andrew skidmore. some entries are metaphoric or allegories, most are simply inspired by the Scripture prompt.

most are first drafts; i do these as exercises a few days a week to stay sharp with my writing skills or experiment with some aspect of writing i’d like to work on. my expertise as both a writer and a theologian are essentially “armchair” level, so please manage your expectations accordingly.

my process is:

  • find a Verse of the Day somewhere for a prompt

  • spend ~25m freewriting about possibilities and sketching out a story

  • spend ~25m writing a very short fiction inspired by the Scripture selection

  • quick edit for spelling & grammar

  • post one weekly

paying subscribers will see more posts, personal posts — images i find beautiful, short films i find engaging, design i find intriguing. i post (or schedule) these as i find them. i hope it surprises your inbox with some unexpected beauty amidst your mundane workday.

but the heart of it all is the stories. i hope you are entertained by them, challenged by them, and inspired by them. you can also see my writing process and how it develops.

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unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references are taken from the Christian Standard Bible.

Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
​The Christian Standard Bible. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible®, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers, all rights reserved.

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from author & filmmaker paul andrew skidmore • storytelling from and inspired by Scripture


author & filmmaker in Tennessee.