stop merely reading the Bible, and start discovering God through the Bible.
the reason we read the Bible is not just for knowledge or insight or practical application. we engage with the Bible in order to deeply experience the Father who loves us, the Son who saves us, and the Spirit that empowers us. we dive into Scripture so we may better trust and follow Christ, better love our God and our neighbor. if you want to learn to devour your Bible, this short two-part series is for you.
follow along as we learn about Discovery Bible Study, an extremely simple tool that take your time with God’s Word to the next level. Discovery Bible Study was originally developed by Final Command Ministries, and you can learn more about it at
what are you thankful for?
what challenges do you see?
did you accomplish what you committed to?
what’s this passage say about God?
what’s it say about people?
what am i going to do about it?
who am i going to tell about it?
how can we help each other?
if you can answer these eight simple questions, you can turn the world upside down the way Jesus intended — by reading Scripture with others and obeying what you read.
it really is that simple. get ready to DEVOUR YOUR BIBLE with Discovery Bible Study.
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